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Erin Friend June 30, 2015
To Aaron's family: 
I grew up with Aaron from elementary school on. Because our last name's both started with "M," we sat by each other in pretty much every class. Today I thought of Aaron, his carefree spirit, his smile. Just want you to know that he lives on in our memories, and that I hope to honor who he was in the way I live my life. I carry Aaron with me. Sending love and prayers for peace to you.  
Liza Adrian Meyer Six Years August 9, 2012
Six Years has changed so much, yet so little.

In the last six years the Meyer family has grown, yet your family still feels the pain of your loss everyday. I've watched your brothers bond get stronger through all the time that has passed, yet the hole losing you left in there hearts is still there as obvious as ever, it's just become a part of them now. There is no sence in fighting the pain they feel anymore, now they cherish it because it is what they have left that reminds them of you everyday.

I didn't know you, but in the last six years I have learned I would have loved you, as I love your mom, Allen and Matt. I haven't been able to do much to help Todd in the last six years, I couldn't even understand his pain until recently and now that I can, I am even more clueless how to help him cope. All I can do is listen and hope that is enough.

Lenette Horton Encouraging Words August 30, 2008

To the Family and Friends:


I would like to express my deepest sympathy to each of you. Although we are not acquainted with one another, we all know what it feels like to lose one of our loved ones to death. Our Heavenly Father feels the pain that you are going through. He promises that the day is soon to come in which he will wipe the tears of sorrow from our eyes forever and death will be no more. (Revelation 21:3-5) He also promises that all those in the memorial tombs (graves) will hear his voice and come out. (John 5:28,29) Until his words are fulfilled may each of you continue to take comfort in him.

Norma Meyer Coan Beauti July 3, 2008
Beautiful memories are wonderful things, they last till the longest day, they never wear out, never get lost, and can never be given away. To some you may be forgotten, to others a part of the past. But to those who loved you, your memory will always last.
Debi Collins I know your pain Tammy April 10, 2008

Hey Tammy,

Thanks for visiting Andrew's site and lighting a candle. I think of you often and wonder how you're doing. This grief thing is strange and unpredictable, but above all, there is no pattern or reasoning to any of it.  I've read your entries to Aaron and in my heart, I feel as if his death is now truly beginning to impact your life. It will do that Tammy; the longer he's gone, the more we begin to feel the absence, the void and the reality that Andrew and Aaron just aren't coming home. It's more acceptable I think, when we initially convince ourselves that this didn't happen, or maybe it did, but only in a bad dream. Then, we can visualize them just being "away" somewhere but never stop to truly accept the fact that their destination will not bring them back to this earth, back into our arms.

I know your heart aches because mine does as well. July 16th will be three years since Andrew left us and the thought of it being THREE YEARS, tears me apart inside. Where have the days gone? Why does the sun still shine and his favorite songs still play on the radio when he's not here to sing along with them. Why did all of his friends go off to College and he never had the opportunity to experience that experience? Why is it that some people see a huge difference in grief and bereavement, as if the two should occur precisely on some time table?  Why is it that people still tell me that "Andrew is in a better place?"  I know that he is, but to hear those words makes me want to scream in defense of the fact that he is NOT HERE with his family and friends, where he is SUPPOSED TO BE.

Let me know when I can call and chat sometime.  It's been awhile, hasn't it.

Take care of yourself and your heart and your soul...Aaron loves you and misses u. (My Angel told me so...)

Love, hugs and prayers,




Debi a friend who understands December 9, 2006
Just wanted to let you know that I am remembering you today on the fourth month anniversary of the day that Aaron went home to another life, a new life without pain or sadness or fear....a life where he will for all eternity be safe now and will await the arrival of his family and friends.  As the two of us have become friends, I know in my heart that Aaron has met Andrew, both such good looking young man and gone far too soon, but they know that we are communicating and they're pleased.  I believe that! 
Communicating with you has been effortless on my part.  We both seem to understand where the other happens to be on that emotional journey.  I truly wish that no mother would ever have to share such feelings with another who has experienced this type of pain, but it happens and we can't intervene and stop the pain.  We can cry, we can get angry and we can bargain with whomever, but, the reality of it all remain unchanged.
I know how much you miss Aaron and I am genuinely sorry for the pain that you are experiencing and for the pain and disbelief that await in the days and years to come.  But, somehow, I believe that Aaron Meyer and Andrew Collins are quite the team up there in Heaven.  I feel comfort in that alone.
God Bless you Tammy and thanks for listening when I just need an open ear!
Debi Collins
ethan for my idol November 20, 2006

As i write these words i cant help but have tears stream down my face,

But with these tears come thoughts that your in a better place.

I miss you so much more everyday,

from your style, to your thoughts, even the way you would say hey.

I know its selfish of me to say i want you back, but god needed you by his side.

but your still my cousin, my friend, the same person i idolized.

i know someday i will see you again,

until than i will fight so everyone will know what a great person youve been.

you'll be in my prayers every day and night,

so i hope that youll bless us, and help us all do what is right...





Aaron- you were/are my idol you inspired me with everything you would do to do well...your one person i will never forget



Theresa and Robbie forever in our hearts October 30, 2006
You were our daughters special friend and we thank you for that. We now will have to wait for our journey in this life to end so we will all meet again. What a joyous day that will be. Together for eternity. Until then we love you and take care of Hollie for us.
Aaron For my cousin Aaron October 29, 2006

It broke our hearts to lose you,

But you didn't go alone.


A part of all of us went with you,

the day GOD took you home.

On Angel's wings you left us, to watch us from above.

Though we're filled with sadness, we feel your endless love.

The momories we cling to, help get us through the day,

sometimes the tears start flowing because, we wanted you to stay.

Out family circle broken, a link gone from the chain.

Although we are parted, we all know there is a day we will meet again.


Love Leann

Debi another grieving Mom October 27, 2006

As I was visiting our sons memorial site, I fisited Aaron's as well.  Your pain is so new, so raw, so painful a reality.  He was a handsome young man with so much left to live for.  Time will ease your pain; each of us handle this trauma and pain differently.  Creating a memorial site for our son has both been therapeutic as well as emotionally draining for me, but I'm so glad I took the time, and exhausted my emotions in doing something for Andrew.  Perhaps Aaron has met Andrew; if so, I'm sure that best buddies by now.  Andrew never, ever met a stanger.  Please visit him as well @ andrew-collins.last-memories.com

May God Bless you always,


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